Friday, July 16, 2010

The Bun Identity

Young Mr. Bun has become quite comfortable out back, affording me all sorts of great photo opportunities. Take a look at the second photo and note the way that Mr. Bun's fur glistens in the sunlight. What do you say, ladies? Edward, Jacob, or Mr. Bun?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chauncey,
    It's been a while. It's been hot on the tundra and wet so the MN bird has multiplied. Gardening is hot, buggy business now. The heat, rain and sun have made the landscape quite tropical looking; with high dewpoints it feels like somewhere far south of almost Canada. If the perils of midsummer gardening, rodents, bugs, and heat weren't enough to scare away a faint hearted gardener I have discovered a new trial, Contact demititis. I saw my doctor on Friday with a freaky rash. Tomato plants and zucchini are to blame. Now I have to cover up like a surgeon, pants long sleeves and gloves to work in the garden. Maybe it will help with the bugs but it will certainly enhance the heat.
    I vote for Mr. Bun. He is probably quite large by now; the size of a small dog with smorgasboard of vegetables. Keep Cool.
